Immunogenicity Assessment


Immunogenicity Assessment

What is immunogenicity?

Immunogenicity refers to the property that can stimulate the body's immune system to form specific antibodies or sensitize lymphocytes. The evaluation of immunogenicity is closely related to the development of biological drugs. Proteins, antibodies, conjugated peptides and oligonucleotides involved in biological therapy can induce harmful immune responses in the body, leading to the production of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs), which can potentially threaten patient safety of life (causing allergies, autoimmune and other adverse reactions). Among them, anti-drug antibodies with neutralizing ability are called neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). Neutralizing antibodies can reduce the efficacy of biological drugs by inhibiting their biological activity. Immunogenicity testing is divided into two parts: anti-drug antibody and neutralizing antibody testing and evaluation.

Overall solutions

  • CD ComputaBio provides calculation-assisted methods to predict antibody immunogenicity, which can find solutions faster and more accurately, thereby reducing the high cost of drug development.
  • CD ComputaBio is committed to proposing a calculation-based immunogenicity assessment solution that reduces the risk of failure and the duration of preclinical steps to meet the needs of scientific researchers.


At present, the commonly used computational antibody design platforms are mainly Discovery Studio and Rosetta developed from protein structure simulation, and Schrdinger developed from chemical drug structure simulation.

Why choose us?

  • CD ComputaBio has extensive knowledge and experience in immunogenicity assessment.
  • CD ComputaBio will complete your project on time and efficiently and meet your requirements.
  • CD ComputaBio has established a professional after-sales service team to provide customers with efficient, fast, practical and feasible solutions.
  • CD ComputaBio has in-depth cooperation with many pharmaceutical companies and research institutes, and has extensive experience in providing them with high-quality services.

Our services

Project name Immunogenicity assessment
Our services CD ComputaBio offers immunogenicity assessment service to meet the specific needs of different customers.
Timeline Decide according to your needs.
Deliverable We provide you with raw data and prediction results.
Price Inquiry

CD ComputaBio provides professional immunogenicity assessment service to meet the specific needs of regular customers on time and according to budget. CD ComputaBio relies on world-class technical expertise, we provide customers with the best quality one-stop immunogenicity assessment service, including the development of scientific procedures according to different solution needs.Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information, our scientists will tailor the most reasonable plan for your project. If you want to know more service prices or technical details, please feel free to contact us.

* For Research Use Only.
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