Cluster Analysis of Differential Metabolites


Cluster Analysis of Differential Metabolites

When the body ingests exogenous substances or undergoes disease, its metabolites will change, which will interfere with the body's homeostasis. Metabolites are the products of genes, proteins and all metabolic processes of the living body, and are the final results and manifestations of the interaction between diseases, drugs and living bodies. The effects of any exogenous substances, pathophysiological changes or genetic variations will be reflected in various biological pathways, which will interfere with the steady-state balance of endogenous metabolites, thereby increasing the concentration of various substances in endogenous metabolites. CD ComputaBio offers cluster analysis of differential metabolites service to meet the specific needs of different customers.

Overall solutions

  • The purpose of CD ComputaBio's differential metabolite analysis is to evaluate the rationality of candidate metabolites, and to display the relationship between samples and the expression patterns of metabolites in different samples more comprehensively and intuitively.
  • CD ComputaBio uses qualitatively significant differences in the expression of metabolites to perform hierarchical clustering (Hierarchical Clustering) for each group of samples, thereby assisting us in accurately screening marker metabolites and studying changes in related metabolic processes.
  • CD ComputaBio uses non-targeted metabolomics to study all endogenous metabolites of organisms (widescreen). The focus is to compare the experimental group and the control group, find metabolites with significant changes (differential metabolites), and construct metabolic pathways to explain the relationship between metabolites and organisms.
  • CD ComputaBio enriches the obtained differential metabolites for metabolic pathways, and uses the KEGG database as a background to analyze related pathways. Select all metabolites of the same species as the background and analyze the metabolic pathways with P value <0.05.

Our services

Project name Cluster analysis of differential metabolites
Our advantages
  • Mature and reliable molecular simulation platform: rich project experience, participate in major projects and release advanced cooperation results.
  • Based on high-quality data analysis, the analysis contents and methods of pre-research and verification are indeed mature and feasible.
  • Solving problems with professional knowledge and creativity.
  • Responsive project management.
  • Independent route design for molecular biology services and timely execution.
  • Complex biological data interpretation.
  • Analyze based on the specific characteristics of your target and the related requirement.
Sample requirements Our bioinformatics analysis of metabolomics service requires you to provide specific requirements.
Screening cycle Decide according to your needs.
Deliverables We provide you with raw data and analysis service.
Price Inquiry

CD ComputaBio' cluster analysis of differential metabolites service can significantly reduce the cost and labor of the subsequent experiments. Cluster analysis of differential metabolites service is a personalized and customized innovative scientific research service. Each project needs to be evaluated before the corresponding analysis plan and price can be determined. If you want to know more about service prices or technical details, please feel free to contact us.

* For Research Use Only.
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