Glycoprotein Modeling Service


Glycoprotein Modeling Service

Our Glycoprotein Modeling Service is a comprehensive solution that leverages cutting-edge technology, leading algorithms, and the expertise of our multidisciplinary team of scientists. This provides high accuracy models capable of assisting researchers in identifying potential drug targets and facilitating drug design processes. The complexities associated with the structural diversity of carbohydrate chains and the challenges associated with predicting glycosylation sites are aspects where our sophisticated Glycoprotein Modeling Service excels. By providing accurate models of these macromolecules, we can enable further study of their structure-activity relationships, promoting the discovery, development, and modification of therapeutic compounds.

Our Service

Apart from Glycoprotein Modeling, CD ComputaBio provides an extensive suite of computational biology services that aid different stages of drug discovery and design, including:

Homology Modeling

We predict the 3D structures of proteins based on the sequence alignment with known structures.


Molecular Dynamics Simulation

This helps researchers understand the detailed movement and interaction of atoms within molecules, providing insights into the bio-molecular systems' behavior under different conditions.


Protein Interaction Analysis

Our services provide essential insights into protein-protein, protein-ligand, and protein-nucleic acid interactions, helping decode the intricate mechanisms of biological systems.


Protein Structure Prediction

We predict protein secondary and tertiary structure from its amino acid sequence, aiding in the identification of potential drug targets.


Drug Target Screening and Validation

Using our sophisticated bioinformatics tools and resources, we help screen and validate drug targets.


Algorithms in Glycoprotein Modeling

Figure 1. Structure-Based Virtual Screening

Structure-Based Virtual Screening

Structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) is a computational technique that predicts the utility of a particular drug in treating a disease. At CD ComputaBio, our SBVS methods efficiently screen and analyze large compound libraries to identify potential drugs with high binding affinity to a target glycoprotein, shortening the lead optimization process in the discovery of new drugs.

Figure 2. Machine Learning

Machine Learning

At CD ComputaBio, we incorporate advanced machine learning algorithms into our glycoprotein modeling practices. Machine learning allows us to predict glycoproteins structures and physicochemical properties effectively, identifying potential interactions between proteins and ligands. This accelerates drug discovery and development process and provides insights into systems biology.

Figure 3. Homology Modeling

Homology Modeling

Homology modeling, also known as comparative modeling, is a method of structure prediction which is used when experimental structures of similar proteins (homologs) are available. Templates are selected from the Protein Data Bank and used to build a model of the glycoprotein of interest. Homology modeling plays a fundamental role drug discovery.

Sample Requirements

For us to provide you with high-end service, precise samples are needed. Samples should:

  • Be purified, high-quality glycoprotein samples
  • Have detailed sequence information
  • Include any known structural data or homologous sequence data, if available

Results Delivery

Our clients are our utmost priority. Endeavoring to maintain transparency and integrity in our services, we deliver comprehensive results that include raw data, analyzed data, and a detailed report of our study. The delivery of results usually includes:

  • Glycoprotein Modeling Results: The structural model of your glycoprotein including the representation of glycosylation sites will be provided in PDB format that can be visualized using molecular viewers such as PyMol and UCSF Chimera.
  • Analysis Report: The report encompasses a detailed analysis of the predicted and modeled structures, including any glycoprotein-protein and glycoprotein-drug interactions, if required.

Our Advantages

Cutting-edge Technology

We leverage the latest advancements in computational algorithms and bioinformatics, ensuring that our predictions are at the forefront of accuracy and reliability.

Interdisciplinary Expertise

Our team comprises experts with diverse backgrounds in computational biology, bioinformatics, and drug discovery, allowing us to offer comprehensive insights and solutions across various domains of research and development.


We understand that every project is unique, and thus, we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each client, providing personalized solutions that align with their research goals.

Every step in our service is conducted with rigorous work standards to ensure the accuracy and reliability of each candidate model. Partner with CD ComputaBio today to harness the power of computational biology in your drug discovery and design process.

* For Research Use Only.
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