Bioinformatics Data Management Service


Bioinformatics Data Management Service

Biological data can come from all biology fields and in various formats. With the rapid development of various high-throughput technologies, the use of sequencing (nucleic acids and proteins), microarray technology and macromolecular structure determination methods have generated a large amount of data, especially in efforts to understand and treat human diseases. The amount of biological data is explosively increasing in size and complexity. To make full use of the data, many more complex computing technologies, robust algorithms, and statisticsal tools are needed for effective storing, searching, and retrieving data.

Overall solutions

Bioinformatics Data Management Service

  • CD ComputaBio uses effectual data management and data analysis methods to help customers process a variety of data (for example, microarrays, proteomics, and next-generation sequencing data), and strives to convert raw data into biological knowledge.
  • Our services cover the entire bioinformatics data life cycle, including managing and monitoring the intake, integrity, and use of various bioinformatics data types.
  • Our team will develop and implement policies, processes and templates to form an overall data management plan to support multiple platforms for large projects.

Our data management system consists of several components:

Bioinformatics Data Management Service - data management system

  • A database to manage the metadata and the access to measurement data
  • Data upload/submission/importing tools
  • Data searching/browsing/exporting tools
  • File format converters
  • APIs to link to external data storages
  • Data transfer and sharing

Our services

Project name Bioinformatics data management service
Samples requirement Our bioinformatics data management service requires you to provide specific requirements.
Timeline Decide according to your needs.
Deliverables We provide you with raw data and analysis service.
Price Inquiry


  • Development and implementation of data management plan governing petabyte scale data and metadata repository.
  • Support for multiple data models (Relational, Object Oriented, Unstructured, etc).
  • Active management of data intake and exchange and development of policies and processes for cataloging diverse data types.
  • Standardized quality control, curation, and reporting procedures to ensure data integrity.
  • Use of scalable approaches (e.g., cloud resources) in addition to existing local computational infrastructures.

Features of Bioinformatics Data Management Service

Our advantages

Applications of Bioinformatics Data Management Service

  • Our team has extensive experience in running data management for various biological projects, and the amount of data varies greatly.
  • We also provide biostatistical consultation.
  • Support "big data" research.
  • Support cloud access for data transmission and sharing.
  • Well-maintained and processed data sets can ultimately help researchers better understand biological processes and mechanisms.

CD ComputaBio can offer you but not limit to:

CD ComputaBio provides corresponding bioinformatics data management service. Our services provides result that it is very useful for understanding the biochemical basis of physiological events. Our expert team can choose the most suitable analysis method for you, so you don't have to worry about technical issues. The CD ComputaBio team has been working in this field for more than ten years and has published his findings in top scientific journals.

* For Research Use Only.
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