Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) Service


Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) Service

Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) is a computational technique employed to simulate the mechanical unfolding of molecules, allowing researchers to study the response of biomolecules to external forces. By applying controlled forces to the molecules and observing their behavior, SMD enables the assessment of mechanical properties, ligand binding, protein folding/unfolding, and various other dynamic processes crucial in drug discovery and biological research. CD ComputaBio, a leading service provider in computational biology, brings forth its expertise in SMD to cater to the evolving needs of pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic research communities.

Our Service

Customized SMD Simulations

Tailored to meet the unique requirements of each research project, we offer customized SMD simulations to explore diverse biological phenomena.

Mechanical Properties Analysis

Comprehensive analysis of mechanical properties of biomolecules, facilitating the understanding of their structural stability and resilience.

Protein Folding/Unfolding

Simulation of protein folding and unfolding processes to unravel the dynamics of protein conformational changes.

Force Spectroscopy Analysis

Quantitative analysis of force spectroscopy data to extract valuable insights into molecular interactions.

Algorithms in Steered Molecular Dynamics

Force Field Parametrization

Force Field Parametrization

Our algorithm is equipped with high-quality force fields that accurately describe the interatomic interactions within biomolecular systems. By leveraging state-of-the-art parameterization techniques, we ensure that our simulations capture the nuances of molecular dynamics with precision.

Enhanced Sampling Methods

Enhanced Sampling Methods

To overcome the limitations of traditional molecular dynamics simulations, our algorithm incorporates advanced sampling methods that enhance the exploration of conformational space and improve the efficiency of simulations. We enable thorough exploration of complex molecular landscapes.

Figure 3. Algorithm of de novo Design Service.

Analysis and Visualization

Our algorithm is equipped with robust analysis and visualization tools that help researchers extract valuable insights from the vast amounts of data generated during SMD simulations. Our algorithm provides comprehensive tools for interpreting simulation results and guiding decision-making in drug design.

Sample Requirements

To initiate a Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) simulation with CD ComputaBio, clients are required to provide the following:

Sample Requirements

Molecular structure files (PDB, CIF, or other relevant formats)

Sample Requirements

Information on the specific research goals and parameters for the simulation

Sample Requirements

Any additional specifications or constraints necessary for the simulation

Result Analysis of Our Service

Protein Folding/Unfolding

Protein Folding/Unfolding

Ligand Binding Studies

Ligand Binding Studies

Mechanical Properties Analysis

Mechanical Properties Analysis

Structural Analysis

Structural Analysis

Results Delivery

Results Delivery

Our Advantages

Accuracy and Reliability

Our algorithm is built on a foundation of rigorously validated methodologies and parameters, ensuring that the results obtained from our SMD simulations are both accurate and reliable. By upholding high standards of quality and validation, we empower our clients to make informed decisions based on robust computational data.

Customization and Flexibility

Recognizing the diverse needs of our clients, our algorithm offers a high degree of customization and flexibility to accommodate various research objectives and experimental conditions. Whether conducting exploratory research or fine-tuning drug candidates, our algorithm can be tailored to meet specific requirements and objectives.

Scalability and Performance

Designed with scalability in mind, our algorithm is optimized to deliver exceptional performance across a wide range of computing platforms and hardware configurations. By harnessing the power of parallel computing and efficient algorithms, we ensure that our SMD simulations are not only accurate but also computationally efficient.

CD ComputaBio's Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) service offers a comprehensive and sophisticated platform for researchers seeking to unravel the intricacies of molecular interactions and dynamics. With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction, we stand as your trusted partner in advancing scientific discovery and drug development through computational biology.


  1. Huang Y , Li Z , Hong Q ,et al. A stepwise docking molecular dynamics approach for simulating antibody recognition with substantial conformational changes. Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 2022, 20:710-720.
* For Research Use Only.
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